Special adult training class with Masters Miyazaki and Takahashi
May 18, 2008
Shihan Michael Hatgis receives rank from Master Toyotaro Miyazaki
Shihan Hatgis, Master Miyazaki, and Shihan Kai Leung
Master Seminar - April 2004
Enlargement of four Association Master Instructors: Mike Hatgis, George Aschkar, Jr., Toyotaro Miyazaki, and Kai Leung.
Shihan Hatgis flanked by senior black belts Bill Martinez (1929-1993) and Eddie Domagala. (Photo by black belt Hank Leonhard)
Left to right: Sensei Rudy Goldmann (1934-1995), Eddie Domagala, Billy Acevedo, and Steve Gottwirt.
Lisa Devine, Harrison Martinez (partially obscured), Bill Martinez, Steve Gottwirt, and Mike Hatgis at a Miyazaki Invitational Tournament - early 1980s.
Michael Hatgis with Shihan Toshihiro Oshiro at Yamanni Ryu seminar - 1985
First N.Y. Yamanni Ryu seminar - 1983. Left to right: Mike Hatgis, Toshihiro Oshiro, Mike Davis, Lisa Devine, Steve Gottwirt, Kenny Muller, Hank Leonhard, Jeff Daniels, and Resa Bilenker.
Black Belt Academy - early 1970s
Sensei Mike Hatgis (far right - street clothes), and Judo instructors Joe Turchiano (top row - 3rd from left) and Jimmy Zoubantes (top row - 5th from left).
Mike Hatgis spars with George Aschkar.
Contact Us:
For further information, please feel free to call (516) 822-7861, or you can e-mail: lishotokai@aol.com.
Michael Hatgis, Shihan
Go Dan - 5th degree black belt. Chief Instructor and founder of Long Island Shotokai.
June 9, 2013
Men - Women - Children: Learn to Defend Yourself
Build Confidence
Instill Discipline
Physical Fitness
Classes Nightly and Saturday
Reasonable Rates
Black Belt Instructors
Visitors Welcome
Class Schedule
Monday - 6:00-7:30pm
Tuesday - 4:15-5:30pm
Wednesday - 5:45-7:00pm
Thursday - 5:15-6:30pm
Saturday - 12:45-2:00pm
Judo Class Schedule
Judo class meets Wednesday evening, 7:30-9:00pm, under the instruction of Sensei Bob Miller.
Weapons Classes
Traditional Japanese & Okinawan Bo, Jo, Sai, & Tonfa.
Business Card
Association Patch
Association logo is a fist inside a red circle on the white gi background to represent the Japanese flag.
Dojo Patch
Dojo logo is a Japanese torii (gateway) and a red circle for the Japanese flag. Kanji at left reads 'Karate' and at right 'Judo'.
Back Patch
Senior members wear the back patch, with a fist and two dragon/tigers head-to-tail in the form of yin and yang. The kanji at top reads 'chikara' (power; might), and the bottom reads 'Japan Karate-do Kenkojuku', which we wear to honor our roots.
Kenkojuku Patch
We were originally members of Kenkojuku Association, under the direction of Toyotaro Miyazaki in the U.S.A. and Tomosaburo Okano (1922-2003) in Japan. The logo has two pine needles (sho) spread open with the kanji 'ken' (modest, or humble) on a Japanese flag.